Thursday, November 5, 2020

Hel lo nusse or Helloh!eeze-i er

 onus: duty 

Well, might trash this one. Sounds like you don't want to work.

Out of Hades and into Duty although I'm not sure about the spelling tweek.

Like the helpful columnists, the tips are to bring anyone from the first place situation to the second place situation.

New Wallpaper and Now my Phone Doesn't Work I Think


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Hints from "Helloise"

  Recalling the noted columnist from the later 20th century who was called 'Heloise', her actual name, as I though of modifications, adjustments and alternatives to my projects and ideas, I am choosing a  new occassional pen name: Hell-oise.  I love it. Maybe I'll choose Hell-onis e while I'm at it, also. As, like onus.'  attribute to the W Post.

Diego Dieso                                                                      

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Tie-on Thong Socks to Limit Perspiration

 For your feet. 

1 17" sq. bandanna


Toe Thongs, ,Flip Flops et cet era.

Cut the scarf four times across, fold one, cut in half, fold again cut each of these in half. 

Making 4, 4" by 17"  sections.

Place the center of one strip under the ball of your foot. Bring it up and around and tie into a knot on the top of your foot. Repeat on other foot.

Enough for two wears. Never let them see you sweat. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Hot Dog

 If I were an Oscar Meyer Wienee

NoOne could have much love for me


If I were an Oscar meyer Wienee

I'd be filled with cholesterol and Ghee.

Another Hot Dog, my dog.


Not yet.

            ---->   Here:

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Notary Public or Ordained Minister?

 The pressure or maybe it's the lack of it or probably it's some of each of these creates a stir in one's self when you reach the age of fifty. Things like those in the title of this post begin to look appealing. Things that don't require 17 years of college but sound as if they do. These look very appealing.

If you are like me you were not aware of the qualifications. And, you learned of them while watching something like "Ïnked" or "KUWTK". Once this television viewing blessed me, I became most tempted.

There are other great finds when you look up and realize your existence in this life if over half gone. Another kosher treat -- even though I am not Jewish I like this holy sanct twist-- would be something "Chef." I don't think it matters on this one just get a cook'🎈s job and make it sound good.

Hel lo nusse or Helloh!eeze-i er

 onus: duty  Well, might trash this one. Sounds like you don't want to work. Out of Hades and into Duty although I'm not sure about ...